Flower City Throwdown - Women's Division

Teams of 3 (same gender)
Entrance fee -- $150 per team.
30 teams max
Cash prizes: $300 for 1st, $225 for 2nd, and $75 for 3rd plus some other vendor prizes
5 scored events
WODS will be announced by April 28th
Rx teams only, but not all members will need to be able to do every movement (min requirements below)
Min Requirements:
We plan to have high skill movements (e.g., bar muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, pistols, etc), but the WODs will be set up so that there will either be a substitute movement for lower points or each team member will not need to perform each movement. For example, if we have a movement like bar muscle-ups, we will have an option for lower points with a C2B Pull-up. With this in mind, all participants should have chest to bar pull-ups, double-unders, wall balls (20/14) with squatting below parallel and box jumps at 24/20. At least one team members should also have handstand push ups, bar muscle ups, and pistols. All members should be able to do metcons with snatches (squat or power) 105/80, and clean and jerks at 135/95.

Date: May 18, 2019
Time: 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Flower City CrossFit
3543 Winton Place
Rochester, NY 14623 US
Spaces Left: 20 Capacity: 30
Members-Only Registration

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